Monday, October 8, 2012

I don't have all the answers.

So, I have been meaning to blog for a VERY long time.. It just kept getting away from me. And not that you guys were sitting at your computers, staring at the blogger screen, waiting for me to post, but blogging has to be done. It's like something I needed all along to keep my sanity, but never figured it out until this summer. Anyways...

There are lots of things that I want to say. Lots of things that I need to say, for myself. Lots of things that the Lord has put on my heart since the last time I blogged. If I put everything I was thinking and feeling, you would not want to read it. It would be ten pages long of everything in my heart. You can just come talk to me if you want that. Here, I am going to talk about something that has been on my heart.. For a long time, and especially here recently. Friendship.

Friendship is such an overly talked about word. It's almost to the point where people feel like they have it figured out, and they don't want to talk about it anymore. Well I don't have it figured out, and I do want to talk about it, so I'm going to. You can stop reading now if you DO have it all figured out.

I always wanted to be the "advice friend". You know those people; the ones you can always go to when you need to know what your next move should be, or when you need a second opinion. They always know just the right advice to give, they always know just what to say to give you confidence. I wanted to be this kind of friend so bad. I wanted people to be able to come to me and talk, and I wanted to have all the answers. Well, people came to me. They still come to me. And I listen, oh boy do I listen. I have that part down to a science. When they want answers though, I got nothin. Seriously. Most of the time I ask great questions but then I'm just like, "Yeah, I totally understand.. That's crazy.. I just have no idea what I would do in that situation.." Stuff like that.

I WANT to give answers. SO badly. But you know what? I'm not good at that. And not everyone is. But you know what else? There are lots of different types of friends; we all know this, but we don't know that we know that until we think about it. Really, think about it though. You have those "advice friends"; you have those "listen to anything you say" friends; you have those "make you laugh til you cry" friends; you have those best friends who are little bit of everything. (These may not be the kind of friendships you have, but they're the ones I am blessed to have; it can vary with each person.)

Like I said, I want to give answers. I want to help all my friends who are hurting. I want to look at each of my friends and say just the right words that they need to hear. The right words to help them get through whatever they are going through. I want to save the world from hurt; from hunger; from sadness; from loss. But I can't. And I never will.

So, if you're like me and want to be able to give all the answers to everyone; if you're like me and want to help everyone; if you're like me and you want to save everyone, listen to this:
Jesus is the only one who can save. Jesus is the only one who can help everyone. Jesus is the only one with ALL the answers.

Psalm 121:1-2
       "I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth."

Psalm 33:16-17;20-22
       "The king is not saved by his great army; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength. The war horse is a false hope for salvation, and by its great might it cannot rescue... Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you."

Go thank Jesus for being everything you need. Then go figure out what kind of friend of you are, and be the best you can be at it. Seriously.