Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Take Heart.

You know, I still question God. For example, when my friends are getting engaged and I haven't even had a date in my life.. Or maybe it's when I see that freshmen start dating and falling in love and I still haven't had a date. That one's a killer. Or when my friends have plans for after graduation and I'm still wondering how I'm really gonna use my major. Anyway, I question God. A lot.

Like this: "Why have I gone four years without a date? Why don't I already have a job lined up for after graduation? Why am I not already married? Why aren't you planning my life the way I want it, God?"
It sucks to not have life go the way you wanted it. It sometimes sucks that I'm still single. It kinda sucks that I don't know what I want to do with my life. And it definitely sucks that other people my age have all of that figured out. They're already havin kids and making a living while I watch youtube videos and live on McDonald's dollar menu and try to plan the rest of my life. Sometimes, all of this sucks.

But, then I think of how God has been completely sovereign in everything. My life is a TREASURE to Him, He says it! In Deuteronomy, the Israelites are giving up offerings to the Lord and it says that He called His people His treasured possessions. I know that was for the Israelites, but clearly we are treasured by God. He created us. He knows every little thing about us, and still wants us. I'm pretty sure He wouldn't have done all that if he didn't atleast like us.

If God treasures me, He must want the best for me, right? So what He's doing in my life must be what I need, right?
But seriously God, you WANT me to go through all of college without one single date?!
You want me to be unsure of the future?
You want me to eat off the McDonald's dollar menu? (Okay, that one's a stretch..)

All I can hear Him say is

"Yes, I want you to be single right now. I need your heart and attention right now, way more than any boy will ever need it. When the right one comes along, I'll let you know."
"Yes, I need you to be unsure of the future. That means you will need to lean on me, which is what you should be doing anyway. Depend on me, follow me, and I will lead you where you need to go."

-Also, I hear, "NO. QUIT eating McDonald's.", but that's another blog post entirely.-

So.. If you're like me and can't seem to figure life out, remember that you are NOT the only one, which is usually my problem. I tend to think I'm the only person who goes through this stuff, but I'm not. And neither are you. Remember that God has it planned. Get to know Him, ask Him what He wants from you. Sometimes it's best to be still and just listen.

Jeremiah 29:13
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

If you're like me and you're not sure what you're gonna do after graduation, pray. Pray for the right opportunity to come along. Google stuff. Be open and flexible to opportunities. There's a big world out there, explore it.

If you're like me and are still wondering why you are sitting in your room eating cookies and pinteresting while other girls are in the dorm lobby snuggling with their boyfriend, take heart my friend. ENJOY your carefree single time, seriously.
                       1. Wear sweatpants as much as possible.
                       2. Have dance parties in your room to One Direction with your friends.
                       3. Dress up cute for class just because, not to impress a boy.
                       4. Watch youtube videos for an hour and pretend like you were productive. (Just not proposal videos.. You won't feel very "YAY singleness" after that.)
                       5. Make funny videos with your friends.
                       6. Laugh at yourself.
                       7. Laugh at other people.
                       8. Enjoy your loneliness; it's a great opportunity for Jesus to be
the center of your attention.
                       9. Cry when you need to; it's good for you, I promise.
                      10. Love every moment and every person; remember these famous words:
                        "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


  1. I'm glad I read this because I am going through the exact same thing, like no joke. You are truly a blessing to others, even when we were in high school together you were. Keep doing what you are doing Ashley, I believe that God has a lot in store for you.

  2. Ashley, friend... just thank you. I love your honesty. You've encouraged me more than you know!
